Legal experts decry state overreach during pandemic

While Cavalry Chapel may have beaten back excessive government health restrictions with its appeals court victory, the widely respected Pacific Legal Foundation notes that the struggle to resist extravagant health directives from unelected bureaucracies continues. An Opp Now exclusive. To receive daily updates of new Opp Now stories, click here.

For months on end, the Governor and CDPH restricted our liberties in innumerable ways. Not only did they prohibit citizens from attending church, but they asserted power to regulate every aspect of civil society—including the right to send one’s children to school, to have civics meetings, to go to the gym, to enjoy dinner with friends, to enjoy a moment of fun at mini-golf, and even to leave one’s home. The Governor and CDPH continue to assert an on-going power to re-impose any restrictive orders that they deem necessary in their exclusive judgment without any guidance or involvement from the Legislature, which is why PLF is continuing its fight on behalf of Ghost Golf and Sol y Luna to obtain a judgment holding that the Governor and CDPH violated the separation of powers with these far-reaching orders during 2020-21.

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This article is part of an exclusive Opp Now series.

  • In the first article, Californian law experts dissect the appeals court win of SJ’s Calvary Chapel, through which over $200,000 in COVID-related fines were dropped for being “unconstitutional.”

  • The second article features commentary from the Pacific Legal Foundation on local government overreach during the recent pandemic.

Photo via Google Maps

Lauren Oliver