Left-wing protestors vandalize another Bay Area politician's home--this time it's Pelosi's

Four months after Mayor Sam LIccardo's home was trashed by left wing activists, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home received similar violent treatment, as vandals spray-painted anarchist imagery and messages on her garage door, and left a pig's head and fake blood in the driveway. By the way, no one has yet been charged in the vandalization of Liccardo's home, even though the event was captured on video. Website TMZ reports.

Somebody left Speaker Nancy Pelosi a very disturbing message to kick off the new year.

Pelosi's San Francisco home was vandalized overnight ... most of the damage was done to her garage door and driveway. The perp or perps spray-painted "Cancel Rent!" and "We Want Everything" in big black letters on her door ... and there's also a nod to the failed $2,000 government stimulus checks.

Even more unnerving, what looks like a pig's head and fake blood were also staged in front of her garage.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... San Fran cops responded to a vandalism call at Pelosi's home around 3 AM. We're told a police report was taken, but it's unclear if they have any suspects.

Read the whole thing here.

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Simon Gilbert