Labor supporters misinform, mislead in effort to defend hilariously-named "Unity" map

A Working Partnership representative, on October 11, sent a letter to the City that contained transparently false claims about key elements of the discredited "Unity" redistricting map. Members of the Community Map support team called out the inaccuracies, as outlined below.

False claim #1: Unity map districts are evenly distributed by race.

Working Partnership letter inaccurately says their plan will create a "western downtown district, with an evenly distributed number of Hispanic, Asian and White population".

Reality: It's not true: The Unity Map's western district in fact puts Asians at 13.4% less than Hispanics. Here are the breakdowns of how the racial makeup of that western district would look under the Labor gerrymander:

Asians 20.9%

Hispanic 34.3%

Whites 34%

False claim #2: The borders of the districts respect historical neighborhoods.
The letter deceptively states that the "eastern downtown District retains the key landmarks of downtown: Mineta San Jose Airport, City Hall, and San Jose State". (District 3).
Reality: It's misinformation: the plan puts City Hall into the western downtown District. (District 6), effectively dismembering the historic downtown core.

Further details about Labor's gerrymandered map can be found here.

Working Partnership's misleading letter can be found here.

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Simon Gilbert