Just to be clear, CM Maya Esparza was not calling out CM Sylvia Arenas when she complained about people making irresponsible charges of segregation

At a recent San Jose City Council meeting, CM Esparza bemoaned how local political dialogue is peppered with offensive, race-based accusations. Esparza was not directing her comments at CM Arenas, who has been criticized for precisely those sorts of comments.

Esparza's’ concerns about race-tinged misinformation were covered by the SJ Merc: "Words like segregation, comparisons to Jim Crow and Nazi Germany are offensive and completely miss the point of the lesson that history has taught us,” she said. “More than that, these comparisons are dangerous and this is the type of public discourse that has led to an increase in hate crimes.

This is not San Jose. We are better than that."

CM Arenas' much criticized pattern of inaccurate comments about local segregation and residential history, are discussed here, here, here, and here

Read the whole Merc story here.

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Photo taken by 3dpete.

Simon Gilbert