It's official: California is CEOs' least favorite state

MRCTV gives the details on what shouldn't be surprising to anyone, given how many high-profile companies are high-tailing it out of the SF Bay Area: A nationwide survey of CEOs reveals that California is considered the worst state for business. Not #25, not even #49, but dead last at #50.

According to Chief Executive magazine’s 2023 “Best and Worst States for Business” survey, California ranks dead last:

“The Golden State’s anti-business policies have been chasing enterprises to elsewhere for many years, but California’s fiscal environment has gotten much worse over the last couple of years as Silicon Valley giants have been laying off hundreds of thousands of workers.”

Meanwhile, Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s states ranks as the best state for business, followed by Florida under Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and Tennessee, led by Republican Gov. Bill Lee:

“Texas once again lands at the top of our poll of U.S. CEOs—as it has every year since Chief Executive began compiling the list in 2001. The state’s combination of business-friendly policies, growing cities, a rising professional class, and a direct appeal to CEOs who aren’t happy with California continues to keep Texas at the head of the class.”

What’s more, while eight of the ten top-rated states have Republican governors, nine of the bottom ten have a Democrat governor.

In California, high taxes are burdensome regulations aren’t the only things driving away companies, as rampant theft and soft-on-crime policies have caused businesses to either leave (some for Texas) or close.

This article originally appeared in MRCTV . Read the whole thing here.

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Image by Patrick Nouhailler

Jax Oliver