Is the time ripe for the return of free market local politicians?

There was a time when Silicon Valley politics was characterized by an alliance between labor and business. Sure, it was often a creaky alliance but it was a workable one focused on the goal of building out our Valley in a way that benefited everyone. Those days of ascendant free market capitalism sometimes appear lost in the divisiveness of Woke politics and Shakedown regulations from local government.  Samuel Gregg at The Spectator opines that enthusiasm for free markets comes and goes and could be ready for a resurgence.

The radical character of the shift toward European-style corporate states has left many market-friendly conservatives aghast, wondering why the free-market ideas embraced with gusto by conservative icons like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher have fallen out of favor so quickly. The truth, however, is that the influence of market liberalism has always waxed and waned on the Anglosphere’s right.

In fact, both the climate of opinion and economic policy have swung regularly between economic liberalization and dirigiste policies throughout most western nations.  Most conservatives have rarely bucked this trend, whichever direction it was heading. From this standpoint, we are witnessing yet another swing of the pendulum.

Read the whole thing here.

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Photo taken by Billy Wilson.

Simon Gilbert