How to avoid desensitization amid the Left's shenanigans

In light of Opp Now urging that free thinkers rekindle their natural outrage in response to injustices, Bari Weiss similarly prods Free Press readers: The fight against illiberalism requires cultivating purpose and nourishing one's soul, though it's easier to become hardened to radical nonsense. Whether it's local landowner rights or gov't/NP transparency, the battle must “keep raging.”

The battle against illiberalism is going to keep raging. I don’t know when the movement for reason, generosity and individuality will win. But we — certainly I — run the risk of hardening ourselves in the process.

Some amount of hardening is necessary to weather the pain of losing friends or the cruelty of online life that are the price of being in the fight. Being in it doesn’t feel like a choice for me: I feel called to this cause. And it’s very hard for me to say no to yet another story when I hear from another person in the maw of this, another reputation and career torn down.

But I find that the fight is only sustainable if we nourish our souls, which is also a way of remembering what we’re fighting for.

Liberalism insists that there are things that fall outside of the realm of politics — literature, art, pleasure, love, friendship, family. The new movement would have you believe that every movie can only be understood through the lens of gender or race or politics. That every story and every book must serve a political cause. That every family member and friend must be subjected to a litmus text. Liberalism rejects that. So do I. In the end, that is what I am fighting for: a world where you don’t have to think about politics constantly.

This article originally appeared in the Free Press. Read the whole thing here.

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Image by James Lee

Jax Oliver