Hard-left SJ Councilmembers resist compromise redistricting plan, continue efforts to suppress Asian votes

It didn't take long for CM David Cohen's middle-ground redistricting map to get attacked by SJ City Council's labor-backed, extremist wing, who keep trying to silence Asian voters in a scheme to rig future elections. City Hall watchers close to the action highlight the gerrymandering by CM's Esparza, Peralez, and Carrasco in their report to Opp Now, below.

• CM Maya Esparza is working to minimize the Asian voice in her district.

Her latest proposal decreases Asian voters in District 7 by 5.8%. And that's in a district which currently has roughly equal Asian and Hispanic representation. Her changes would make the Hispanic population in D7 7.3% larger than the Asian population.

CM Magdalena Carrasco also aims to slash Asian vote in D7

Her latest map (Dec. 7) increases the overall D7 Hispanic population predominance over Asians to 10.3%. Carrasco's plan moves 12,000 people from D5 and D8 (at a proportion of 67% Hispanic, 27% Asian) into D7, while moving 12,000 people (proportion: 60% Asian, 20% Hispanic) out of the district. The impact of these brazen moves: she increases Hispanic D7 representation by 5.3% and actually reduces Asian presence by 3.5%.

• CM Raul Peralez is working to dilute the Portuguese vote in District 3.

Peralez is working to dissect the Portuguese community in D3 to accommodate Esparza's anti-Asian population shifts. The citizens of Little Portugal expressed their desire to stay together in District 3, but Peralez is trying to split the community up and forcibly relocate Little Portugal residents into District 5.

• Radical CM's working to rig D2 and 10.

Labor-backed CM's are floating a plan to dramatically reconfigure Districts 2 and 10 to punish their opponents and reward their supporters. Their moves include swapping 56,000 residents between Districts 2 and 10. The result of the swap would be reducing the Asian vote in D10 by 6%. And in D2, their moves would increase the Hispanic vote more than the Asian vote increase, while reducing the White vote by 3%.

More on city redistricting shenanigans can be found here.

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Jax Oliver