Expert: Lack of electricity may put the brakes on Newsom’s electric vehicle plan

How will the worldwide electricity dearth impact Gov. Newsom’s only-EVs-by-2035 mandate? Will local EVs be permitted to charge when and as needed (if completely reliant on intermittent, unstable “green” power)? Ronald Stein, respected Californian energy policy commentator, explores in CFACT.

Today, the huge dark cloud over EV projected sales, is the availability of electricity to charge batteries which leads us to the quote for the foreseeable future, Where’s the electricity?

The Elephant in the EV sales room that no one wants to talk about is the limited amount of electricity available to charge the EV batteries.

The global fleet of road vehicles in 2022 numbered about 1.446 billion, that’s with a “B”….

Today, even with less than one percent of the vehicles on the roads being EV’s, there is a limited amount of electricity:

  • During a Texas heat wave in July, 2022, Tesla asked its customers to avoid charging their cars at peak times.

  • During a California heat wave in September, 2022, Governor Newsom, the same guy that wants to ban the sale of gasoline cars after 2035, asked owners not to charge their EV batteries….

This article originally appeared in CFACT. Read the whole thing here.

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Lauren Oliver