Expert decries unintended discrimination behind CA’s green energy push

As it is, Latino and African American families face disproportionately steep electricity prices. Can every minority or low-income family afford “green” energy if mandated by Newsom? Energy consultant Ronald Stein argues in Fox & Hounds Daily that California’s renewable energy policies unduly plague poor and minority residents, and demands just reform.

Those marketing the green delusion have convinced themselves and the public that intermittent electricity from wind and solar are somehow “clean, green, renewable and sustainable”. They have successfully kept transparency from those paying for the green delusion of any information that would damage their message…

The primary reason that the climate cult is voraciously against transparency of any data about intermittent electricity from wind and solar favored by them, is that they would need to justify to the rural, poor, minority and working-class families and communities that  the public needs to accept  the worldwide ecological, health and economic damages being inflicted in pursuit of their pseudo-renewable electricity utopia. Additionally, for those that can least afford the passion for intermittent electricity, they need to morally accept that Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans must endure slave labor status to advance the climate cult agenda.

Let us hope the now-silent majority can restore law, order, civil debate, thoughtful reflection on our complex history, and rational resolution of these thorny problems as current climate policies are essentially discriminatory toward poor people and minorities worldwide.

This article originally appeared in Fox & Hounds Daily. Read the whole thing here.

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Image by Jernej Furman

Jax Oliver