☆ D10 leader looks for transparency, experience in CM appointment process

The candidate lists for the D8 and D10 councilmember appointments have been finalized, and now the vetting begins. Neighborhood leader Rich Crowley of District 10 recommends to the SJCC a 100% open process and a sharp focus on neighborhood experience. An Opp Now exclusive.

My criteria for the appointment process and the candidates' qualifications is the same as when I was Treasurer at Willow Glen High in the 60s. I don't care if you have unpopular theories or opinions. I care if you have the ability to listen, and if you have that knack of working with people who disagree with you. For someone to be functional in the D10 position, they will need experience with issues that range from hot button city wide concerns like densification, mandatory electrification, and implementing Laura's Law--all the way to hyper local issues like how to deal with feral cats. This will probably mean looking for people with experience in district-wide groups, like the District 10 Leadership Coalition and local neighborhood associations.  These are grassroots D10 groups that are sharply focused on issues that matter to neighborhoods and homeowners.  In addition, Homeowners' Associations would also be good training grounds. My nightmare is that the Council will pass over people with high-level qualifications in the first round, and we won't even get a chance to hear their positions publicly. If that happens, a lot of us are going to think the process has been a farce, a partisan effort, driven by a bunch of backroom deals.

--Rich Crowley grew up in San Jose and has been a homeowner in Almaden Valley since 1970. He has continuously served this community through various organizations and local government ever since.

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Jax Oliver