CRT’s racist, anti-facts propaganda threatens local school curriculum

Critical Race Theory states that America’s very foundation is discriminatory oppression; and to rectify past injustices, a broad systemic affirmative action regime should intrude into almost every facet of gov’t activity. Local school advocates have been pushing back on this extremist movement. Consultant Timothy L. Coyle deconstructs CRT, the “anti-racist” worldview made vogue by the 1619 Project/Black Lives Matter. To receive daily updates of new Opp Now stories, click here.

Indeed, believers of CRT think school teachers today are perpetrating a race-based fraud that needs fixing.  Explains University of Texas academician Keffrelyn Brown, “the dominant, (dis)embodied and normalized culture of whiteness, white privilege and white hegemony pervades contemporary teacher education and presents a formidable challenge to the goal of preparing teachers to teach in a manner that is relevant, critical and humanizing while also socially and individually transformative.”

Due to “fix it” pressure coming from liberal leaders and groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM), local public school districts are now considering whether to adopt CRT into their curricula.  To start the California Teachers Association (CTA), in a recent advisory… promote[d] several socially acceptable ways for white people to reveal their “covert white supremacy” as well as suggesting doing away with several “morally repugnant, racially charged” terms including “colorblindness,”…

This article originally appeared in Fox & Hounds Daily. Read the whole thing here.

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Jax Oliver