Charter review commission tantrums escalate as city gently tries to keep group on task

The follies continued at the Charter Review Commission (CRC) this week, as three commissioners whined loudly in local media that their insistence on adding policing, climate change, equity, and housing provisions to the CRC's work was subject to questions and deliberation. {The CRC is supposed to be exploring mayoral election cycle timing and mayoral powers}. The complainers claimed that the commission used "procedural attacks" to temper their far left, progressive agenda. In reality, those “procedural attacks” and “bureaucratic roadblocks” are more commonly known as "rules of order." They are used at all public meetings in San Jose and throughout most democratic countries. A friend of Opp Now reports from the CRC public meeting.

These commissioners are offended that some of their fellow commissioners have different perspectives. They’re also offended that some of the council members responsible for the commission’s formation recently provided guidance and clarification. And they are upset that the city manager sent an advisory memo.

It’s ironic that one of the three commissioners complaining about a “last minute agenda item” slipped in a last minute housing proposal to endorse a Community Opportunity to Purchase Act (COPA) initiative currently under consideration by activists within the City Housing Department.

These commissioners are acting like spoiled children. Thankfully, the commission chair is the adult in the room. The tantrums issued via San Jose Spotlight have been kept out of the commission meetings.”

For more on complaining commissioners, read here and here.

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Simon Gilbert