Case study S.F.: Defund police. Empty the jails. Watch anti-Asian hate crimes soar

San Francisco has the dubious distinction of providing other Bay Area cities with a sneak peek at what happens when social justice warriors’ agenda of decarceration and police defunding is implemented. In S.F., it’s been a more than 500% increase in hate crimes against Asian-Americans. The Washington Post Reports.

There were eight anti-AAPI hate crimes reported to the San Francisco police in 2019 and nine in 2020. In 2021, there were 60. 

Reports of anti-Asian hate crimes increased more than any other category of hate crime last year, according to the preliminary police report. 

California is home to four of the five cities with the largest share of Asian Americans in the United States. In San Francisco, a spate of attacks against the elderly in the streets of Chinatown, many caught on camera, fueled fear and put pressure on city officials to do more to prevent them.

Read the whole thing here.

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Image by Victoria Pickering.

Jax Oliver