☆ Calvary Chapel lawyers on new $1.2 million Covid fines: A matter of religious freedom

SJ church Calvary Chapel drew national attention over the last couple years for boldly refusing to adhere to local Covid ordinances. Though their controversial contempt-of-court charges were dropped last year, Calvary was recently fined $1.2 million for mask violations. Bob Tyler, president of Advocates for Faith and Freedom (which represents the church), analyzes how invasive laws infringe on private liberties. An Opp Now exclusive.

There hasn’t been a single COVID-19 case traced to the church. To claim that this about public safety is just false.

In actuality, this is about the right of churchgoers to freely practice their faith without interference or discrimination. The church just wants to be afforded the same treatment and consideration as liquor stores, strip clubs, and other so-called “essential” businesses.

The State Court’s legal analysis is simply flawed as to the remaining fines. The court was partially correct when it declared almost $2 million of the $3 million in fines to be unlawful. We believe that the court of appeal will ultimately correct the error by declaring all of the fines unconstitutional.

We are confident that the county's mask order will be deemed unlawful just as the US Supreme Court has twice previously held the County's orders unconstitutional.

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Lauren Oliver