CA teachers' pension agency adopts left-wing theatrics

The California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS) has announced it will vote against a board's committee if comprised of less than 30% women. Last year, linguist Dr. Alan Perlman unpacked on Opp Now the DEI fallacy of “Discrimination [= ‘equity’] is Equality,” the idea that unfair, identity-based opportunities will lead us to—equality. California Globe's comments on the CalSTRS controversy below.

If you think that CalSTRS, the behemoth pension system that supports California’s retired teachers, is focused on pensions, you are wrong. The largest teacher-focused pension system in the country is abandoning its core fiduciary role to chase left-wing political goals. Its mission creep will hurt teachers, taxpayers, and students alike.

In April, CalSTRS issued an extraordinary press release stating their priorities for the companies they invest in, including corporate greenhouse gas disclosures. CalSTRS is interested in achieving a “net zero” emissions portfolio. Of course, CalSTRS is also interested in corporate diversity, and states: “CalSTRS will vote against an entire board of directors that does not include at least one woman and against a board’s nominating and governance committee if at least 30% of its board members are not women. Furthermore, CalSTRS will vote against the nominating and governance committees of Russell 3000 companies that do not disclose their board members’ diversity characteristics.”

CalSTRS’ Board has morphed into Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a $300-billion billy club to swing at businesses that aren’t sufficiently Progressive.

If you were scouring the news for a few words about supporting corporate boards trying to grow profits, entering or creating new markets, utilizing innovation, expanding geographically, then CalSTRS is not the investment entity for you.

Who has time for the actual business of business when you can be leding a social revolution?

This article originally appeared in the California Globe. Read the whole thing here.

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Lauren Oliver