BAHN: Alameda County’s eviction moratorium unjust, jeopardizes “mom and pop” landlords

Alameda County’s eviction moratorium, implemented during the pandemic and extended this year by way of AB 2179, has been broadly disputed by property owners — and is currently being sued by five Bay Area housing providers. Writing to the ALCO Supes on “this economically, socially, and morally irresponsible rule,” the Business and Housing Network (BAHN) warns that ordering landlords to retain non-paying tenants is pushing hardworking local businessowners into bankruptcy. To receive daily updates of new Opp Now stories, click here.

Under the moratorium, mom and pop owners are prevented from evicting tenants even they don’t pay rents regardless of the reason. This creates injustice by encouraging people, sometimes high-income individuals, to take advantage of the good intention of the Board of Supervisors and to abuse mom-and-pop property owners. For example, since this rule was implemented, even tenants who have not been affected by COVID, are encouraged not to pay rent. This rule will allow tenants to live rent free for many years. Property owners lost our protection under the law to make a fair return to our life-long investment, to enforce our contract rights, and in cases, to move back to live in our own property. According to the survey to our members, 90% of our members experienced fully or partially missed rents. Those owners are struggling to pay their own bills, resulting in danger of foreclosures of their properties.

We are willing to work together with those in need, including, for example, tenants who are sick, who lost their jobs, who lost their businesses, or who lost their other sources of income. However, when we face people trying to use the pandemic as an excuse to take advantage of us, we need a forum of justice. We need protection of the law. The Eviction Moratorium leaves us in the hands of the very few people who intend to trample on our rights.

We at BAHN strongly oppose this economically, socially and morally irresponsible rule. It has been causing chaos among our society. Californian housing providers have been shocked, frustrated, scared and confused, and feel helpless, ignored, and betrayed in this already horrible pandemic.

During this extremely hard time to our country, everyone should take their own responsibilities to keep our economy rolling. With rental income, mom and pop owners can pay mortgage and property tax, and the banks and government can function and provide services normally as well. We implore our leaders to recognize, encourage and reward rental property owners who voluntarily freeze, decrease, or even forgive rent. We are here to promote communal goodwill and unity. Forcing mom and pop owners to offer free rent promotes factional suspicion and hatred.

To request a copy of the whole letter, contact the Business and Housing Network at

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Jax Oliver