Are San Franciscans finally leaving hard-left government behind?


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GrowSF's most recent poll reveals some startling opinion shifts from Petrograd-by-the-Bay: residents say new Mayor Lurie's focus on local issues, not national party ideologies, is gaining in popularity—and some surprising thumbs ups for lower taxes and more shelters. Excerpted summary of poll results, below.

Focus on local, not national, issues

Since Trump was inaugurated he has been dominating national headlines, but our poll shows that the vast majority of  San Franciscans wants Mayor Lurie to focus on local issues, not on national politics.

Poll results: 73% in favor of focus on local, 18% say to oppose Trump.

Building more shelters for homeless community very popular

San Franciscans still take the homelessness crisis seriously and are still waiting for City Hall to take action. Support for shelters remains high, and opposition to shelters near homes has meaningfully declined. City Hall should stop waiting and start building.

Poll results: 70% in favor of more shelters, 16% opposed.

Make it easier for small businesses

Lower fees and tax benefits for struggling small businesses, faster and easier permitting, more police, and entertainment zones are all popular ideas to help Downtown and Market Street get back on track. 

Poll results: 57% in favor of lowering local biz taxes, 27% opposed.

SF's going in the right direction

For the first time since March 2020, more San Franciscans say the city is heading in the right direction than on the wrong track. This is a huge change compared to our last poll in October, 2024 — just before the November, 2024 Mayoral election. "Right direction" increased 6 points, and "wrong track" decreased a staggering 28 points, both outside the margin of error.

Poll results: 36% say the city's now in the right direction, 34% say in wrong.

Read the whole thing here.

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Jax Oliver