Analysis: Bay Area natural gas ban raises concerns of displacement and financial burden

Following the Bay Area Air Quality Mgmt District's March decision to begin banning natural gas furnaces/water heaters in 2026, American Greatness's Edward Ring observes some hefty economic implications of the ordinance: Considering the high costs of switching to renewable energy, low- and middle-class residents may be forced out of their neighborhoods, further jeopardizing the balance of top-heavy cities like SJ.

It is reasonable to question the assertion that eliminating fossil fuels will inevitably result in an impoverished society subject to punitive restrictions on individual behavior. But the numbers are compelling and can be distilled to two indisputable facts: First, fossil fuel continues to provide over 80 percent of all energy consumed worldwide. Second, if every person living on planet Earth were to consume half as much energy per year as the average American currently consumes, global energy production would need to double.

Several inescapable conclusions derive from these two facts, if one assumes that energy is the driver of prosperity. Just in case that is not obvious, imagine Americans living with half as much energy as they use today. Where would the cuts occur? Would they drive their cars half as much? Heat their homes half as much? Operate manufacturing, farming, and mining equipment half as much? They would need to do all those things and more. The economy would collapse.…

These “innovations,” all in progress, only begin to describe what is coming. By restricting new development and systematically reducing the use of fossil fuels, the global middle class will shrink instead of grow. The wealthiest elites will buy their way out of the smart slums. Everyone else will be locked down. This is how energy poverty will play out in the modern era. It cannot be emphasized enough: If energy production is restricted, this will happen. It’s algebra. It is objective fact.

This article originally appeared in American Greatness. Read the whole thing here.

Image by Braeson Holland

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Lauren Oliver