☆ Halliday’s perspective: Historical literacy necessary for school district-level improvements

With 44.4% of the votes, Elisabeth Halliday was recently elected as a member of the Campbell Union High School District board (Area 2). Here, she sits down with Opp Now for an exclusive look at her Hopes & Fears moving forward — in particular, why ignorance of the past endangers local school boards. If “those who control the past control the future,” those who know the past can advocate for positive change.

My one big wish for the Campbell Union High School District for 2023 is for unity among our community. I wish for students, teachers, staff, families, and also those in our district who do not have children attending our schools to feel connected to our community, welcome at events, and a sense of belonging. 

My biggest apprehension is being ignorant of history. I want forward momentum and progress, which means being knowledgeable about what has happened in the past that brought us to where we are now, and using that knowledge to bring about positive changes in the future.

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Photo by Mikhail Nilov

Lauren Oliver